Monday, April 30, 2012

Counting the Inserts 4/29

I hope everyone remembered to get their papers yesterday! 

Locally, the York Daily Record and Baltimore Sun had 4 inserts. There was 1 SmartSource, 1 P&G, 1 Red Plum and 1 Pepsico Moments to Save (MTS). In the YDR, there was also a flyer with Wendy's coupons! 

I have updated the York and Baltimore Coupon Inserts Spreadsheet with all these coupons! You can see them HERE!

If you are not clipping all your inserts, here are the expiration dates to write on the front of the 4/29 inserts. Expiration dates are the same for both the YDR and the Sun.
MTS 5/19/12
P&G 5/31/12
RP 7/31/12
SS 9/30/12

Also, several inserts expire(d) this week. I have updated the list for the Sun HERE and the YDR HERE.
For the YDR, these inserts are now expired or expired today (4/30):
8/07/11 SS, 1/29 RP #1, 1/29 RP #2, 2/05 GM and 4/01 P&G
For the Sun:
1/08 SS, 1/29 RP #2, 2/05 GM, and 4/01 P&G


  1. Thanks for posting the spreadsheet so early. I rely on it weekly and really appreciate your help :)

    1. You're welcome! I am glad you find it useful! I use it all the time too, so it should always be updated by Monday morning.
